So what are you asking for? Consider this...does your emotional, physical, relationship needs supersedes your desire for God? How much are you longing for Him? How hot is the fire burning in your heart? Is it a flicker, a flame, or a all consuming fire?
I have asked for the sin raging in my heart to be uprooted. The sin of pride, self consuming, acceptance and approval. I have walked through some times of battle-battle of the flesh and battle of the enemy. But do you know what I have discovered?
I waited patiently for the LORD;
And He inclined to me,
And heard my cry
And He inclined to me,
And heard my cry
Psalm 40:1
I have new eyes to see truths in His word. Every few days a new passage will speak and have meaning. Friend, mediate, pray,camp out here-God is speaking. Allow Him to cleanse and purify you by His Word. One by one confess sin and be specific. Is it a relationship, a friendship, even a ministry opportunity that you desire more than your relationship with God? We can do many good things and we should. If we see a need and we have the means to meet the need-we must! But when this desire to be used by God is greater than your relationship with God, greater than your desire for Him, for His presence, for His glory, I believe this is sin. Sin of pride.
One by one name the sin-the desire that rages its ugly head over your desire of Christ. It must be crucified . If you are like me my flesh continues to crawl off the alter- well it rolls off and then runs! But by faith continue climbing back on the and consider yourself dead to sin.
In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. Romans 6:11
This blog was written Saturday January 29, 2011