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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Faith by the Word

My soul melts from heaviness, strengthen me according to Your word. Ps 119:28

It seems this may be the second night with no sleep for me.  I am determined to be productive tonight.  I have many thoughts running through my mind: kolby's room mate, room mate's boyfriend, football season, church break in, opportunity for a friend, Sunday School lesson, finances...oh the list could continue on!

I am sure we have all had this same experience. Fear gripes our heart and all reasoning is lost in the panic.  What can a person do when they find themselves in this situation? 

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word.  Rom. 10:17
Unless Your word had been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction. Ps. 119:92
Oh, how I love Your law!  It is my meditation all the day. Ps. 119:97

My sweet daughter found herself in this situation tonight.  She was scared.  She was out of her comfort zone.  We talked for a while and she said these precious words to me.  "I need my Bible."  This young girl knows and understands the relationship between faith and the Word of God.  Jesus is her strength but that strength/faith is fueled by reading the Word.  What a precious time this was for me.  I had her download a Bible app on her IPhone.  She is funny.  She said, "I need a tangible Bible to highlight and underline"  "I did not realize how much I am attached to my Bible."  She is my daughter!

This theme happens to be our Sunday School lesson for in the morning.  We must get to know the Author of the Bible and allow His words to fuel our faith. 

Here are few things we shared.  Can I say, I am blessed by this girl!

Trust Him.  Listen to music. Remember nothing can touch you unless it has been filtered through God's loving hands.  Fear is of the enemy, for God has not given you a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind.  Perfect love casts out all fear.  Her words to me, "I'm doing this for God as in His place.  Not for me.  He put me here to hide in Him and man up and physically live through this for Him."  We talked about God never asks us to do anything that He does not equip us for.  Yes, you are scared and that is OK but walk through the fear with Christ in love.  She also read sermon notes from her pastor...this was her response. "That was meant for me.  We may not like what is happening around us but God planned it.  He is not surprised in the trial because be planned victory of the out come." 

You see she left her Bible at home and really panicked when she could not strengthen herself in the Word.  I wonder...Are you that dependent upon Christ through His word when your world is falling apart.  Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word!!


Aaron W. Matthews said...

I was blessed by this post. Kolby is pretty awesome...just like her parents. You guys have done a great job raising that girl, and God is evident all over/through her.

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