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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Resurrection Day

Happy Easter to all!  We had a great service today at the Farmer's Market (Train Depot) in Alma.   Southside Alma combined services with a non-denominational church in our area.  It was fun to worship outside and with another body of believers.  We also had several people from the neighborhood join us today.  I was told by one lady, who lives close to the church but does not attend, that she had been waiting for an outdoors service to attend.  We had several of our van ministry children bring their parents.  These children were so excited to introduce their parents to us. 

Aaron Matthews (Pastor Southside) and Bryan Tabakian (Pastor Genesis Fellowship) tag teamed to share the hope found in the gospel message.  This hope is only found in the resurrection of Christ.  Because Christ is risen we have hope.  Because He is risen we have salvation.  Because He is risen we have peace. 

Saturday was our Spring Festival.  The plan was to set up inflatables, egg hunt, food, and games.  The down pour of rain changed these plans.  We contemplated canceling the festival but the Lord led us to hold the activity in the gym.  Several people brought their kids for the games and food.  We were able to invite them to our worship service at the Farmer's Market and several of them attended.  Being in the gym seemed more personable to me, it was easier to visit with the people. 
This holiday weekend held another celebration.  Today March 31 is Kolby 19th birthday.  It seems like yesterday that I was in labor delivering that black haired baby.  She has grown into a devoted godly woman.  Kolby was our "surprise" child.  There are ten years between Kolby and my oldest child.  We were so busy with a nine and a five year old during my pregnancy that I forgot I was pregnant many times.  It was funny the words that came out of my mouth when I delivered her, "I really was pregnant!!!"  Todd almost passed out and needed to sit down.  I don't believe this was due to the birth process because he attended and participated the births of the other two children.  She was a great surprise and such a blessing.  We have all enjoyed our gift from the Lord.  He knew what He was doing when He gave us Kolby.  She is the most kind and tenderhearted of all my children.  Kolby loves the Lord.  Her relationship with Christ flows so easily out of her.  She is a fun loving girl, to know Kolby is to love her.  Really, when she walks into a room the whole atmosphere changes.  I love this girl!
After worship service today, we had lunch with some amazing people. I love the Battles' family.  Thank you, Jennifer for being diligent in continuing to invite us. Jennifer has been a great friend and she has loving ministered to me during this transitional time in my life.  Now if I start talking about people who I love and who the Lord has connected to my heart this blog will be way to long. so I'll leave you with this. 
But YOU, O Lord, are a God full of compassion, and gracious,
longsuffering and abundant in mercy and truth. 
Oh, turn to me and have mercy on me! 
Give YOUR strength to Your servant
and save the son of Your maidservant. Ps. 86:15


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