Since I can't sleep and I'm blowing up twitter I thought I had better blog. I might keep followers that way.
My thoughts tonight have been on the topic of love. I've thought of God's love to me and how that love overflows to others. Many many people have come to my mind tonight as I lay awake. There are so many of you who have allowed me to pour my life into you and love you deeply. Many of you have poured your life into mine as well. Many of you have extended grace to me when I deserved judgment. Many of you have stood in the gap when I would not listen. I am so thankful for that! I am thankful and rejoicing in some difficulties as well. Days of children going off into rebellion. Days of not knowing how to handle situations. Days of wonder, do we cut all ties or do we extend unconditional love. Do we continue pouring out into lives even if those lives are refusing to listen or living in rebellion. My flesh usually bows up in pride knowing I am right and you had better listen but God's love always softens that hard heart of mine. Love conquers. Yes, I personally know this to be true. It may take years but I believe you can never go wrong with love. Two words that bring great peace when I am uncertain on how to handle a situation-Follow Christ. Search the word to see how He handled situations and difficult people. Be still and worship in your confusion. Trust God even when you don't understand. He had righteous anger and love. It may be difficult to know which emotion to hang on to-anger or love, for my family it was love that conquered.
I am thankful for a God who did not give up on me. His grace was poured out and His hand of love extended even in my rebellion. He overcame my sinful rebellion heart with His amazing grace and extended love. I've struggled. I've wondered and know I know my answer is love.
Allow God's love to overcome you today and pour that love out to others. God's love is not just for you. Blessing come when that love is broken and poured out.
Sorry about all the tweets tonight and I know this is not my normal blog style but I feel the Lord has spoken and I chose to follow Him.
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ninest123 16.03
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