I love this thought from William MacDonald.
The fact that God has chosen some to be saved does not mean that He has chosen the rest to be lost. The world is already lost and dead in sins. If left to ourselves, all of us would be condemned eternally. The question is, Does God have a right to stoop down, take a handful of already doomed clay, and fashion a vessel for beauty out of it? Of course He does. C.R. Erdman put it in right perspective when he said, “God’s sovereignty is never exercised in condemning men who ought to be saved, but rather it has resulted in the salvation of men who ought to be lost.”
The only way people can know if they are among the elect is by trusting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior (1 Thessalonians 1:4-7). God holds people responsible to accept the Savior by an act of the will. In reproving those Jews who did not believe, Jesus placed the blame on their will. He did not say, “You cannot come to Me because you are not chosen.” Rather, He did say, “You are not willing to come to Me that you may have life” (John 5:40)
The real question of a believer is not, does the sovereign God have the right to choose people to be saved? Rather, it is, Why did He choose me? This should make a person a worshiper for all eternity.
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