For those who live according to the flesh
set their minds on the things of the flesh,
but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.
For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
Romans 8:5-6
It is never a good thing to neglect reconciling your bank account. I just discovered it has been two months since I reconciled mine and we Dilbeck's use the credit card and/or the bank card constantly. So you see,I have two big problems and need to balance both of them.
I am reminded of my daily walk with the Lord. If I neglect my walk, praying, seeking, listening, studying, fellowshipping with other believers, my emotional and spiritual life will need balancing as well. Either I am feeding my flesh or I am feeding my spirit. Either I am recklessly spending money or I am watching and reconciling my bank account daily. What we neglect will shrivel away and die. I think you would agree with me, it i is our flesh that needs to die. So my friend feed the spirit within you and neglect your fleshly desires.
I will watch my bank account closely these next few weeks. I will use only one card and keep a clean ledger of the charges. In a couple of weeks, my accounts will be balanced and I can rest assured of how much or little money I have. If I stay consistent and reconcile daily I will not find myself in this situation again.
Don't grieve the Holy Spirit living inside you by neglecting him. He should be your very reason of living.
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