Many doctor's offices have fish aquariums. I assume to give waiting patients entertainment as they wait for their turn for the physician. These fish live their entire lives in front of the same group of people. Swimming in a rectangle cage, hiding in the fake rocks and shipwrecked boats. I wonder if fish could reason what their response would be to this way of life? Would they be self-conscience of all the attention? Would "Jimmy" fish wonder and hope he performed his best today? Would "Mary" fish question the flick of her tail or if her fin was off beat? What about "Mark" fish? Why does he stay hidden in the rocks?
I wonder if you studied the fish long enough, would you start believing you knew every thought and detail of the fish? Would "Fred" fish become your best friend at least in your mind? Would you start analyzing Fred's every move, his every thought? Would you become so fixated on Fred that you make him uncomfortable in your sight?
Silly and extreme, maybe! But think about the people who live their lives in a fish bowl, elected officials, football coaches, pastors, and the like. I wonder do these people have a place to "hide"? Do we allow these people to have freedom and breathing room or must they live in the rectangle or round bowl swimming in circles with an attempt to please us?
This topic is heavy on my heart this morning. Maybe because I am a people watcher. I tend to analyze others motives and behaviors. Maybe because my husband has been in the fish bowl for most of our married life.
Friends, whether you are the one in the fish bowl or whether you are the one watching the fish. Don't expect perfection and quit looking for blemishes. Give yourself and the other fish in the bowl some freedom to be themselves. Some freedom to hide. Freedom to be quiet. Freedom to make mistakes, to learn, to love, and to feel. Freedom to be real.
If you are the fish performing in the bowl you will get tired and run out of material. Entertaining people is a madding job. People are fickle and are always wanting more. It can't be done. Give yourself a break and live your life out before God. He is One you should be pleasing. God's grace is much greater than another person's judgement.
Whether you are a fish or a observer of the fish, your life is accountable to God. Make a conscience decision to live your life out in His presence and for His glory. When you fall or don't line up...what people say and do should have no influence upon you, for we crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me, and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. Gal 2:20
To all the "fish" I have observed over the years, you have my grace. Live your life to fullest before your Lord. For He has the power of life and death in His hands. To all the observers who have watch our "fish" life over the years, I am sure you have seen sin and godliness. We are living out our life in front of the Lord and in front of you. I pray you see more of God each day and may He draw you closer to Himself as you watch us swim in the bowl.
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