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Monday, May 16, 2011

Ocean Life

Life can be like swimming in the ocean.  The waves come.  There is no controlling them. You are prepared for the small waves.  You are expecting them to continue rolling in and you are prepared to ride up and down on each one. Then come the unexpected waves.  These waves are very powerful and they overcome you, pushing you under the water and pulling you out to sea.

I wonder when life hits you this hard, where do you turn?  Do you look inside yourself for the answers?  Do you get angry with the circumstance that are coming your way?  What goes on inside your heart?  Do you blame God?  Do you wonder where He is?  Does you mind go into "freeze" mode as mine does?  Do you feel paralyzed to think and pray? 

Psalm 130 has some insight on overcoming the waves of life.

1Out of the depths I have cried to You, O LORD.   (Before that wave hits you, teach your heart to cry out to the Lord.  He knows your heart.  Articulate your pain.  Find Psalms to help describe what is going on in your soul. Share these pains with the One who can understand and who loves you greatly.)
    2Lord, (hear my voice!
         Let (Your ears be attentive
         To the )voice of my supplications.
(Ask God to hear your voice, plead with Him to hear your cry.  Ask Him to make a way, to settle your soul. Become desperate enough to go to the One who holds all the answers)
    3If You, LORD, should mark iniquities(Understand who you are in Christ.  Know His forgiveness.  Understand that all you have comes from Him.  Your very being, Your very breathe, He holds in His hand)
         O Lord, who could )stand?     4But there is )forgiveness with You That You may be feared. (Understand God is merciful and just. Is the wave due to sin in your life?  He is is a God of forgiveness-confess and repent.   He will pour His mercy out upon you, that you may understand who He is and you will honor Him with your very life)
    5I wait for the LORD, my soul does wait,
(You have given God your requests.  You have stood in honor and fear of Him.  You have worshipped Him in spirit and in truth-now rest in Him.  Settle your soul in trust and adoration)
         And )in His word do I hope.
    6My soul waits for the Lord
         More than the watchmen (for the morning;
         Indeed, more than the watchmen for the morning.
    7O Israel, hope in the LORD;               
(Do you trust Him enough to cling to Him through His word?  Do you know His word? Can you identify His hand?  We must study in the times of calm waters, to be prepared in the times of overcoming waves.  Do you trust Him enough to wait-to settle your heart in worship and adoration?  Do you trust Him enough to wait and watch?  For at the appropriate time, He will act upon your behalf)
         For with the LORD there is (lovingkindness,  (Look at these incredible promises-God is love and redemption-a rescue-a deliverance)
         And with Him is abundant redemption.
    8And He will redeem Israel
         From all his iniquities

Friend understand who Jesus is.  Cry out to Him.  Give Him your pain.  Find a friend who will pray for you and walk with you through this very trial.  Yes, You must be willing to open and be vulnerable to someone else.  But God will come in power and all might to settle your heart and make a way of escape.  It comes down to trust.  Are you desperate enough to trust Him today?

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